About The Prayer & Worship Services...

Prayer and responding to God by thought and by deeds, with or without words, Christian prayer is response to God the Father, through Jesus Christ (Son), in the power of the Holy Spirit. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus gave us the example of prayer.

The principal kinds of prayer are adoration, praise, thanksgiving, penitence, oblation, intercession and petitions.

The AECST is pleased to announce that our services are streamed live from the Church for all who are unable to attend in person.
Click here to visit The current AECST ON-LINE WORSHIP SERVICE.

Corporate worship is uniting ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God's Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the Sacraments. The Eucharistic Sacrament serves as our central service of worship at St. Thomas. Our communion is by intinction, (bread is placed on the tongue.)

Worship Service Schedule
Choral Eucharist and Sermon - 10:00 AM
Church School: Pre-School through High School - 9:45 AM


  • Easter Vigil
  • Day of Pentecost
  • All Saints Day
  • Feast of The Baptism of our Lord

Ash Wednesday - 12:00 Noon, 6:00 PM

Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) - 6:00 PM includes dinner

Good Friday - 12 Noon

Easter/ Resurrection Sunday
Choral Eucharist and Sermon - 10:00 AM

Festive Christmas Eve Mass - 7:00 PM

The observation of Principal Feasts are as follows:
Easter Day, The Day of Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, All Saints Day, Christmas Day, The Epiphany

Special services and occasional Sacraments - By Appointment